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Tempo Inn

Method 1.  
Air Bus (Recommended)
from HK International Airport -> Tempo Inn

daytime: 50 min | $39    /    night: 75 min | $23 

Take A22 or N21/N21A according to your landing time.
Bus Service hour: 06:00-00:10

Bus route A22


take off at:

station #3

Shanghai Street, Jordan Road (上海街, 佐敦道)

Bus Service Hour: 00:20 ~ 04:40

Bus route N21/N21A


take off at:

station #32

Nathan Hotel (彌敦酒店)

Method 2.  
Airport Express
from HK International Airport -> Tempo Inn

30 min+  |  $90

  1. Take Airport Express to Kowloon Station

  2. Take free 'K1' shuttle bus (Time: 06:12 - 23:12)  

  3. Get off at stop #6 Eaton, Hong Kong

  4. Walk 5 minutes to Tempo Inn

from Train Station -> Tempo Inn

Time varies  |  Cost varies |  3 min walk from nearest exit

Method 3.  
Nearest Station:
Jordan 佐敦
on Tsuen Wan Line 
  1. Get off at Jordan station. Exit from Exit A

  2. Turn right and walk along Jordon Road

  3. Turn right at the 2nd junction into Woosung St

  4. Walk straight ahead for 100m

  5. You will see David Mansion at your first left building (opposite to Goodrich Hotel) after the crossroad with Nanking Street.  

  6. Press the bell at the gate of David Mansion and turn right on 1/F using lift.

We are located at the intersection of Woosung St and Naking St

Ring the bell at the gate of David Mansion.

In case there is no response, please give us a call and we will open the door for you.

Detailed directions are available HERE.

Anchor 1
Anchor 2



Cozy Inn

Method 1.  
Air Bus (Recommended)
from HK International Airport -> Cozy Inn

daytime: 50 min | $33     /    night: 75 min | $23 

Take A22 or N21/N21A according to your landing time.
Bus Service hour: 06:00-00:10

Bus route A21


Bus Service Hour: 00:20 ~ 04:40

Bus route N21/N21A


take off at:

Prudential Centre, Nathan Road (恆豐中心, 彌敦道)

Method 2.  
Airport Express
from HK International Airport -> Cozy Inn

30 min+  |  $90

  1. Take Airport Express to Kowloon Station

  2. Take free 'K1' shuttle bus (Time: 06:12 - 23:12)  

  3. Get off at stop #6 Eaton, Hong Kong

  4. Walk 5 minutes to Cozy Inn

Method 3.  
from Train Station -> Cozy Inn

Time varies  |  Cost varies |  3 min walk from nearest exit

Nearest Station:
Jordan 佐敦
on Tsuen Wan Line 

Get off at Jordan station. Exit from Exit B1

Detailed directions to Cozy  are available HERE.

  • Facebook - White Circle

(852)6212 4550        

[Tempo Inn] 香港佐敦吳松街 93-103 號德利樓 1 樓 

1/F, David Mansion, 93-103 Woosung Street, Jordan, Hong Kong

[Cozy Inn] ​ 香港九龍佐敦彌敦道242號立信大廈4樓B,C室

Flat B & C, 4/F, National Court, 242 Nathan Rod, Jordan, Hong Kong

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